GenerativeComponents Help

StructuralMember Node

(StructuralMember node) creates structural members using techniques that match familiar AECOsim Building Designer structural member placement methods.

  1. Add a StructuralMember node to the Graph and select the ByStartPointDirectionLength technique. Its required input ports are visible on the node.
  2. Click next to the CatalogItem port. The expression field becomes a drop menu. The menu is automatically loaded with DataGroup catalogs containing Structural Member types. Select a structural member catalog item ('Main Column').
  3. Right click on the StructuralMember node and select Edit. This opens the Node Properties dialog where you will complete defining the StructuralMember node.
  4. Click on the Distance port to open the expression field. Enter baseCS.ZDirection.
  5. Click on the Length port to open the expression field. Enter 15.
  6. Click next to the CrossSection port. A black square appears in the expression field. Click the black square. This opens the Structural Sections dialog. Select a structural section ('W12 x 79').

The node will resolve, and the structural member will be added to the model view.